Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Isn't it funny how the little things can literally see you through a long week? Right now I am living for pumpkin spice Friday. What exactly is pumpkin spice Friday, you might inquire. Well, Megan stops at Starbucks everyday on her way to work, and last week we decided that this Friday we would both indulge in some seasonal flavored coffee. Seeing as pumpkin spice ranks a close second to gingerbread latte on my hot drinks scale, I have been waiting in anticipation for days now as if putting my hands around that cup will actually assist me in obtaining a major goal of some kind. Seriously, though. (Note to self: you use the word seriously far too often.) The minute to minute play-by-play of my life isn't always rife with excitement...unless you consider processing memberships and producing accounting reports enthralling, which I don't. But blasting Tori Amos at 9:00 a.m. and screaming "EVERY FINGER IN THE ROOM IS POINTING AT ME", getting up from my desk to randomly dance/do jumping jacks/make faces at Margot and Karen in the other office through the window during the 3:00 p.m. lull, and contemplating about how one reads their address with a straight face when they live on Weekeepeemee Road are all the types of instances that get me through the day.

Many people would consider my life monotonous. I know what to expect at work. I have my routines at home, both in the morning and when I come home at night. I eat the same kinds of food, I take walks. I talk with friends. I blog. I read. I watch girly TV. But I am funny and witty. I know this because I take the time to make people laugh. To cheer them up if they're about to rip someone's head off. I sing at the top of my lungs at work off-key to break up the tedious aspect of our jobs and to lighten the mood. I am pro-active and willing to help, and I take my career and life very seriously. However, I also take the time to tell Kermit send silly forwards labeled "How to stop office gossip" because I want people to know that I care. That I'm interesting. That I'm interested.

Today Erica called me from up the street in the Production Shop. Not for business reasons, but to ask me what my favorite drink was because she had a list of drinks that matched up to certain personality traits. I answered apple martini and she basically told me I was high maintenance. I laughed. It was human interaction, and it had nothing to do with numbers or budgets or events or work. I appreciated the extra 2 minutes that it took out of her day.

Tonight I went for a walk by myself. I ended up sitting on a large piece of driftwood overlooking the water and I thought "This is an amazing view and it's right at my fingertips." I stared out over the ocean for about 10 minutes and then I continued walking. As I was wandering down the grid of streets in our neighborhood, I had the pleasure of first smelling burning leaves (my favorite)...then a block later the soft and comforting smell of fabric softener...and at the end of the street: fresh, cut grass. I felt like I was in heaven and I was only a quarter of a mile away from my own house. I love it. I love the little things because they truly make every day stand out. I don't know what I would do without them.


heather said...

a) that is MY starbucks seasonal drink preference ranking!!! you are awesome.
b) the name of that road is friekin' hilarious.
c) i heart you!

heather said...

oh. and d. i finally fixed your blog link in my blog. sorry it took me so long.

Anonymous said...

I think we should mapquest Weekeepeemee Road, get ourselves a couple of Pumpkin Spice Lattes and take a drive out there blasting Jesus Christ Superstar the entire way! ;)

Tara said...

HAHA! I love that idea, Megan. It sounds like a plan to me. :)