Tuesday, August 18, 2009


My friend Angela always says that she likes Fridays better than Saturdays due to the anticipation of the weekend...because the waiting/anxiety/excitement leading up to the weekend is occasionally more rewarding than the weekend itself. Jeff and I have been looking forward to tomorrow (more specifically, to the date August 19th at 1:50 p.m.) for months now, and here we are, 20 hours out, and I am wondering if I will feel slightly deflated after I *know* for sure whether I'm having a boy or girl. I don't think I will, because this is such a big discovery, but then again, the guessing games and dreams and intrigue have certainly served their purpose as well.

I will say that I am excited to move onto the second phase of this pregnancy: creating a nursery theme (yay!) and researching the items we want on our registry. Now when I go into Babies R' Us, I can actually direct myself to gender-specific items and fall in love with the idea of having a little boy or little girl all over again.

Definitely stay tuned. I will be sure to post the news tomorrow. Pray that the baby cooperates!!!

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